
A creature who would prefer you to think of him as just another Raen Au Ra.


Name: Overmind (Introduces himself as Tatsuya Mikami)
Race: Primal (Appears to be a Raen Au Ra)
Pronouns: He/him
Age: ??? (Looks to be mid 30's)
Likes: Aether, new experiences, kids, learning about history
Dislikes: Being ignored, Hydaelyn, The Twelve, pretty much anyone who might be a threat
Physical description: At a height of 7'1" with a spiky tail and an almost permanent resting bitchface, this Au Ra makes for quite the imposing sight. His hair is white, a touch messy, and goes down to his shoulders, tumbling over a pair of horns that curl in towards his face. The eyes set into said face are a bright, intense glowing blue.
As though his height didn't make him intimidating enough, his manner of speech is immensely formal, sometimes even dipping down into being archaic. Though, if you can get past that, you'll find him to be incredibly charismatic, if a touch odd at times, and all-too happy to share a pint or three over discussing adventures. If you're lucky, you might even see his soft side that he reserves almost solely for children.Though appearing to be a normal (if a touch intimidating) Raen Au Ra, he's actually a primal who has taken over the body of one. As a result, much of his aether is masked, so unless you're one skilled in seeing/sensing aether, you would just see him as a somewhat odd-acting Au Ra.


Upon being summoned to the mortal realm, the primal known as Overmind possessed the body of a Raen Au Ra known as Tatsuya Mikami. Being confined to a mortal host in such a way severely limited what primal powers he could utilize, but also gave him something that many of his brethren lacked; the element of stealth. He quickly found himself enjoying playing at being mortal... though he wasn't very good at navigating the subtle social intricacies of it. While pretending to be mortal, he eventually joined a free company where he ran into one Soreas Lennart.Drawn to him by his large amounts of tasty aether and his willingness to aid him, he spent more and more time around the lalafell, slowly enthralling him with his primal powers. Slowly, Soreas' will eroded in the face of such persistent pressure against his mind and sacrifices of simple crystals and ethers turned into living, breathing people who were soon enthralled much like he was. As a reward for his services, he corrupted him further and further, both intentionally and unintentionally twisting him to give himself a completely loyal thrall who would obey him no matter what.However, Overmind also grew more and more fond of him over time, dependence and possessiveness turning into genuine affection. This culminated in him marrying Soreas to stake a proper claim on him for both mortals and immortals alike.


After the events of 6.0, Overmind felt stuck. With the porxies able to cure tempering and the talismans from Thavnair able to prevent it in the first place, it was proving more and more dangerous for him to increase his amount of thralls. Furthermore, the knowledge that present-day primal summoning was corrupted by the Ascians gave him an existential crisis on top of it. With everything combined, he saw only one solution to save both himself and the thralls he had grown fond of.Withdraw his power from them and leave this realm so he may be resummoned using the proper, purer techniques of olden times.After stripping his enthralling will from his slaves and preparing his wedding ring as a vessel for his memories, he left this realm, allowing Soreas, the one closest to him, to summon him once more. They succeeded in doing so, though Overmind had mellowed out some in relation to his previous incarnation as a result of Soreas' wish that he live his life among the mortals as he wishes.

RP Hooks

Though Overmind is pansexual and still very much willing to flirt with/be flattering to people, he is not multiship and not available for any new romantic/sexual relationships. That being said, I do prefer rping darker subject matters anyway and not much is out of my comfort zone. I just ask that you communicate if you want anything like major injuries, death, those sorts of permanent things to happen (and I will of course communicate as well if it happens to come to that).Overmind works as a bounty hunter as his cover job, so he can be found travelling from city to city in search of his targets or cooling down afterwards in a local tavern.While his aetherial signature is much weaker in his Au Ra host than it would be in his full primal form, those attuned to aether would still be able to sense it being especially strong and off compared to others.Though his hunger for aether is far less than it used to, he's still always on the search for crystals/ethers/etc to sustain himself.He's fond of experiencing life as a mortal would, so he's always looking for new situations to experience, particularly those of the culinary kind.